NanoAce - Liquid Household Photocatalyst Spray
NanoAce - Liquid Household Photocatalyst Spray
Wake Concept Store
Shop 3-8, G/F.
Far East Mansion, 5-6 Middle Road
Tsim Sha Tsui
Kowloon Hong Kong SAR
nanoAce - Liquid Household Photocatalyst Spray is a photocatalyst disinfectant solution that is ideal for use in the house. It instantly degrades and eliminates viruses, germs, and odors from the sprayed area, and the effect lasts for an extended period of time, making it safe and dependable for continually reducing danger in your environment.
nanoAce - Liquid 光觸媒噴霧 家用裝是一款非常適合家庭使用的光觸媒消毒產品。它能瞬間分解並除去被噴灑地方的病毒、細菌和異味,而且效果可以持續很長的時間,既安全又可靠,能持續地降低你所在空間的風險。

The term "photocatalysis" refers to the process of converting light into chemical energy. The titanium dioxide in nanoAce - Liquid Household Photocatalyst Spray generates active oxygen when exposed to light, and active oxygen can begin decomposing at the source, destroying bacteria, viruses, and offensive odours (formaldehyde, ammonia, etc.).
nanoAce - Liquid 光觸媒噴霧家用裝 當中含有的二氧化鈦只要在被光的照射下就會產生活性氧,而活性氧能在源頭開始分解並消滅細菌、病毒和難聞氣味 (甲醛、阿摩尼亞等)。

Works well under indoor lighting
2 nanometers only!
Previously available photocatalyst were unable to maximise their photocatalytic activity; however, nanoAce enables this through the use of innovative nanotechnology! As long as it functions in a bright atmosphere for an extended period of time, it can achieve disinfection and sterilising effects.
以往的光觸媒產品均無法最大限度發揮其光催化活性,但 nanoAce 通過革新的納米技術,使這成為可能!只要在有光的環境下就能長期運作,達到長效消毒殺菌的功效。

Use reference
Various applications
Pet Toilet - Effectively eliminates unpleasant odours.
Areas of the home that are constantly touched - such as door/door handles, switches, and toilets, for example - can be efficiently deodorised and antibacterial.
On clothing, shoes, or masks - it decomposes pollen and PM2.5 particles effectively and has long-lasting antibacterial and sterilising properties.
寵物的廁所 - 能有效去除難聞的氣味。
家裏經常會接觸的地方 - 如大門/ 房門把手、開關和馬桶等,能有效除味抗菌。
衣服、鞋或口罩上 - 能有效分解花粉和 PM2.5微粒,並有長效抗菌殺菌功能。

The photocatalyst spray contains only three ingredients: water, alcohol, and titanium dioxide. Titanium dioxide has been verified by the US Food and Drug Administration and is a very safe raw material; therefore, no safety equipment such as masks or goggles is required when handling it, and no professional skills are required.
Spray at the cleaned area and at least 30cm distant from the desired spray range. After spraying, let approximately 15 minutes for complete drying.
光觸媒噴劑的成份非常簡單,只有水、酒和二氧化鈦。二氧化鈦經美國FDA 認証,是一種非常安全的原料,故使用時不需配戴口罩或護目鏡等防護工具,亦不需具有專業技能。
在所需消毒的地方,並距離噴灑所需 範圍最少30cm進行噴灑。噴灑後,請等候約15分鐘至充分乾透。